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☎️ Przyjmujemy również zamówienia telefonicznie od poniedziałku do piątku, w godzinach 10:00-13:00
Exciting thrill for analists! The Metal Cage Butt Plug Ø 2.8 cm from ANOS has a fancy hollow design and offers not just fantastic anal stimulation and gentle stretching, but it also gives a partner exciting insights into the anus. The large base means that it can be worn safely over long periods of time without slipping in too far. The beautiful, smooth plug is made out of high-quality, polished stainless steel and is also perfect for temperature play: it can be cooled down in the fridge or warmed up in warm water. Complete length 6.8 cm, insertion length 5.6 cm, Ø 2.8 cm. Weight 27 g. Stainless steel.